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(The Company Environmental Policy)

- Nhaèm goùp phaàn baûo veä Moâi tröôøng cuõng nhö thöïc hieän ñuùng Baûn cam keát vôùi Cô quan chöùc naêng, Coâng ty TNHH Young Il Viet Nam ban haønh chính saùch moâi tröôøng vôùi noäi dung sau: (In order to protect the environment and implement the undertaking with the Government, Young IL Viet Nam issue this Environmental policy as below).

  1. Chính saùch naøy phaûi tuaân thuû Luaät Moâi tröôøng, caùc qui ñònh cuûa ñòa phöông veà baûo veä moâi tröôøng, thoaû maõn caùc yeâu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng, phuø hôïp vôùi tình hình saûn xuaát kinh doanh vaø ñöôïc vaän duïng hieäu quaû trong suoát quaù trình hoaït ñoäng cuûa Coâng ty (This policy must be legal compliance with National Environmental Laws, local regulations and sastisfy with customers (Nike, Adidas, Reebok and others) requirements which concern to the environmental protection, suitable with company’s processing situation, it’s should be applied and maintained during company’s activities).
  2. Thu gom vaø phaân loaïi caùc chaát thaûi ñoäc haïi khoâng ñoäc haïi trong quaù trình saûn xuaát vaø xöû lyù theo ñuùng caùc quy ñònh cuûa Phaùp luaät veà Baûo veä moâi tröôøng. (Collect all wastes and sort out hazadous, non hazadous waste, storage, deliver and carry following environmental laws).
  3. Taùi söû duïng taát caû caùc loaïi pheá thaûi taïi Coâng ty vaø lieân keát vôùi caùc ñôn vò coù chöùc naêng ñeå thu gom vaø taùi cheá caùc loaïi raùc thaûi khoâng theå taùi söû duïng taïi Coâng ty vaø xöû lyù nhöõng loaïi pheá thaûi khoâng coøn söû duïng ñöôïc. (Recycling all the waste which can be used in company and contact with some company who can reprocess waste to decrease waste to environment).
  4. Ñònh kyø kieåm tra, quaûn lyù buïi baån, khí thaûi, nöôùc thaûi, raùc thaûi theo ñuùng tieâu chuaån cho pheùp. Toå chöùc hoïp tìm giaûi phaùp giaûm thieåu oâ nhieãm moâi tröôøng (Periodically audit, manage, check and control dust, air emission, waste, waste water following its standards. Have meeting to review and find out best solution for decrease pollution).
  5. Huaán luyeän, ñaøo taïo CBCNV Coâng ty luoân naâng cao yù thöùc baûo veä giöõ gìn Moâi tröôøng xanh saïch ñeïp. (Training all workers always enhance their sense to protect and keep the working place and environment clean, tidy and fresh).
  6. Khoâng ngöøng caûi tieán kyõ thuaät ñeå tieát kieäm ñieän naêng, nguyeân lieäu, nhieân lieäu nhaèm ngaøy caøng haïn cheá caùc chaát thaûi ra Moâi tröôøng. (Always try to improve technique to save materials, energies, fuel to decrease waste to the environment).
  7. Caûi taïo moâi tröôøng laøm vieäc nhaèm giöõ gìn söùc khoûe cho CBCNV. (Make fresh and a better working place for health keeping).
  8. Taïo ra baàu khoâng khí moâi tröôøng thaân thieän ñoái vôùi caùc khu vöïc laân caän quanh Coâng ty, neáu coù baát kyø khieáu naïi naøo lieân quan ñeán moâi tröôøng, thì laäp töùc phaûi ñieàu tra vaø xöû lyù ngay. (Let make a friendly relationship with the contiguous neighbour by having fresh air, safety and calm working place. Any claim related to company’s environment, it should be investigated and solved immediately).
  9. Luoân nghieân cöùu ñeå taïo ra caùc saûn phaåm haïn cheá toái thieåu vieäc gaây taùc haïi ñoái vôùi moâi tröôøng vaø söùc khoûe con ngöôøi. (Improve and find the best formula to make products which minimize it hamful tohuman health and environment).
  10. Lieân heä vôùi caùc ñôn vò coù chöùc naêng khaûo saùt, ño ñaïc moâi tröôøng ñeå phaân tích caùc chæ soá oâ nhieãm chính xaùc, baùo caùo vôùi cô quan chöùc naêng vaø coù bieän phaùp khaéc phuïc kòp thôøi neáu coù oâ nhieãm. Tuyeät ñoái khoâng ñeå hoaït ñoäng saûn xuaát cuûa Coâng ty aûnh höôûng ñeán söùc khoûe con ngöôøi vaø moâi tröôøng chung quanh. (Contact with the organization who has function to survey and analyse the pollution limit, periodically make the report to the government and find the best solution to prevent pollution in timely. Absolutely not to make our company activities damage to the humam health and environment in the areas).
  11. Xöû lyù nghieâm caùc tröôøng hôïp coá tình gaây laõng phí hoaëc vi phaïm vieäc baûo veä moâi tröôøng (Any people who try to waste materials or violate the environment protection law will be disciplined).
  12. Boä phaän, caù nhaân naøo coù yù töôûng caûi tieán hoaëc thöïc hieän toát coâng taùc baûo veä moâi tröôøng seõ ñöôïc thaêng thöôûng. (The team or person who has good ideas to improve or good practise in environment protect will be awarded).
  13. Boä phaän moâi tröôøng vaø taát caû coâng nhaân vieân Coâng ty phaûi nghieâm tuùc thöïc hieäm chính saùch naøy vaø vaän duïng moät caùch coù hieäu quaû nhaát. (Environment Manager and team, all workers must be strictly follow this environmental policy and carry out with the best effectively way).
  14. Chính saùch naøy ñöôïc baùo caùo cho chính quyeàn ñòa phöông, khaùch haøng vaø coâng boá treân web site : moãi 06 thaùng. (This Environment policy must be reported to local Government, customers and post at company website : every 06 months

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